How to add titles and content

Music Studio trenner Add Titles or Content

Music CDs or a data DVDs without a track list aren’t the real McCoy. Print and Design permits useful and sophisticated functions to create your covers without great efforts.


Titles, subtitles and content

Music Studio trenner Add Titles or Content

Click at the arrays behind Title and Subtitle to type in your information. There is also a little bar below to choose the Content of disc (music, data, backup, etc.), just click at the right type. This selection will affect the default formats of prospective tables (if you choose for example a music CD  Print and Design will propose length instead of size).



Music Studio trenner Add Titles or Content

It’s really easy to create a table and to add new rows. Click at New Row to add a new one (or the first) row. Of course you are also able to Remove a row or to Remove All of them (if you discard to create a table at this moment) by clicking at the monotonous buttons. 



Music Studio table.zoom80 Add Titles or Content


Import from Disc

Music Studio trenner Add Titles or Content

If you’ve ever tried to type a tracklist from a 30-song pop CD (including artist, track name and  manually you already know there’s no end of trouble. To disburden you to do so, we’ve created the Import from Disc feature. Just insert your CD / DVD / Blu-ray into your drive and click at the Import from Disc button. Print and Design now tries to readout the titles / filenames from your media. If  Print and Design cannot find anything in your audio CD, it tries to contact the online data base in order to look for items with  a similar number of tracks and track lengths.

In case there are multiple search results, look here for further information!


Music Studio import Add Titles or Content



Add Titles or Content