Record audiofiles …

Music Studio trenner Record audio

Record directly from any audio source (microphone, aux, line in, analog record players, internet radio etc.) to WMA, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC or WAV files. Record from multiple sources simultaneously using the Windows mixer. Here too, conversion to the target format is performed on the fly during recording.



Music Studio trenner Record audio



Select soundcard

If more than one soundcard is installed on your PC system, a dialog will open. By default the “Microsoft Soundmapper” is selected. This is one is the standard soundcard. Otherwise you can choose your preferred soundcard or sound resource.

Music Studio soundmapper Record audio



Select output format

Here you decide what kind of file you would like to create (MP3, WAV, Ogg Vorbis, etc.). You select a file format by placing a check mark next to it.



Select output quality

In this screen you will be asked what the quality of the output files should be. You can select between different pre-defined quality settings, or define your own by selecting Custom Quality.



Select an output location

Here you specify where the output files should be stored. By default, the files are stored in a folder on your desktop.You can also choose what the program should do if it wants to create an output file, but a file with the same name already exists. The existing file can either be renamed, or it can be moved to the recycle bin.



Main Mask

When you are finished with all settings you can start right now with your recording session.



Functions …

Music Studio trenner Record audio

This mask as shown below is your personal recording desk which enables you to record all incoming sound signals.

Music Studio recording Record audio




Level meter for incoming signals

Level meter to control the incoming level. Displays the highest peak / loudest signal of the last half second. If overmodulation impends a red flash will appear above both bars and you have to adjust the appropriate loudness.




Using the sliderbars enables you to adjust the loudnes of each connection. By using the checkboxes you  can turn on or turn off the connections. Depending on your installed soundcard several single mixers will be shown. The example above shows the possibilities you have with a standard on-board soundcard. The description corresponds to the Windows names for each channel. If the above slidebar is usable you can adjust the balance setting for stereo.



Record time

Displays the exact time for the recording session in seconds.



Record button

Starts the record. An additional click will stop the current record session.



Pause button

This will start and interrupt promptly a new recording session when no recording session is running and  a new one will be started. A second click on the Pause button or record button will continue the recording session.



Stop button

Stops the recording session. If you click again on the record button a new file will be recorded.



Play button

Plays the particular recording.




By using this function you will delete all selected records from the list.




Choose this function if you want to rename the recorded tracks from the list.










Record audio